I don't have a good method of washing clothes. I'm not a "sorter" of colors that's for sure. I have one basket in the hallway where all clothes and towels go and in the laundry room there's 2 piles: 1 for towels and 1 for all other clothes. It just takes too much time sorting and I've had no problems with clothes running, so I don't sort. Not even the whites. Why do I need white socks in my shoes?
My ideas on laundry is of no fault to my mother who is very particular about sorting, washing, folding and putting away clothes nicely I must add!
I don't mind washing clothes, though, it's the folding of the clothes that never seems to get done fast enough. Right now there are about 3 baskets of clothes in our room and one in the dryer...not going to be a fun day tomorrow because that is my only goal to tackle (other than wipe noses, change diapers, feed mouths and play with kids all day!)
I don't have a good way of "folding" clothes either, mainly because I don't really fold. I dump all the clothes in a pile and make a pile for bathroom towels (those of which I fold and put in the linen closet...I do have a small basket for hand towels that I don't fold, though), kitchen towels (I just put in the drawer without folding), Kathryne's clothes, Kristofer's clothes (both of which I don't fold, I just put into the right drawers...on any given day Kristofer throws everything out of his drawers trying to find what to wear...no point in wasting my time!) my clothes (really don't fold, just put in the right drawers) and Josh's (which I do fold and hang up his nice shirts).
I sound really lazy about laundry and frankly I am. I can't stand folding clothes! In fact, when my mom comes over, if there's any spare moment she grabs a basket and folds for me. I tell her there's no need to fold the kids' clothes but she insists. I have taught Kristofer how to fold my hand towels in the small basket in our linen closet. I do think it's important to show your children how to do things the right way...slowly the kids can take over the folding when they learn how to keep their clothes in their dresser nicely! :)
I will take any advise on how to motivate myself to fold the clothes as soon as they come out of the dryer...I don't know if there's any advise other than just do it! I just don't like doing it and apparently Sunny doesn't like doing it, either! :)
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