Sunday, January 23, 2011

Tip #77 From Mrs. Sunny

"Never be afraid to ask for help" I'm asking for advice. Kathryne has consistently felt the need to get up at 5 am and I have to put her back to sleep. No biggy, she goes right back to long as her brother doesn't wake up!

Kristofer who is over 3 has started doing this again like when he was first potty training. He comes into my room honestly thinking it's time to get up at 5 am and I have to be the mean mom who yells to get him to stay in his room. He's totally out of it and can't settle down.

When he was potty training I would put the potty in the living room and let him watch cartoons, otherwise he would get too upset and wet himself. I don't want to put him in front of cartoons now because then it will become habit and he will never sleep in!

I feel like my kids haven't turned their sleeping habits since the time change! But my idea so far is to put a digital clock in Kristofer's room because he's starting to learn his numbers. I'm okay with 6:30 as his wake up time. My kids are "usually" in bed sleeping between 8:30 & 9:00 other than Sunday nights Sunny and I have bowling league and every other odd night life brings us. For some of you that may seem early, but 6:30 is not unreasonable considering that would be over 9 hours of sleep for my kids.

I just don't know if he would actually look at the clock and stay in his room until 6:30 since he's soo out of it.

I'm at a loss. Suggestions welcome!

Mrs. Sunny

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