Saturday, November 13, 2010

Tip #71 From Mrs. Sunny

"Make a list of things that need to get done!"

This may seem like an obvious thing to do...but I learned how important it was to keep a list in college from one of my professors. If I don't write it down, it probably won't it done.

I can often be a procrastinator on things such as...window washing, cleaning the fridge, dusting the piano, vacuuming, going through the pile of bills on the counter, folding the clothes (I can't stand doing this and clothes will sit in the basket for days or all week) name it, I'll procrastinate as long as possible. There's always something better to do.

But lately I've been going back to my scribbled list of "Things To Do" and amazingly I'm accomplishing more. Just seeing what needs to be done helps. Every day I try and check just ONE thing off the list and by the end of the week it's all done! I must just like the feeling of checking things off and throwing the list away when it's all done!

Just remember your house will never be perfect...especially with kids...but this may help you keep your sanity and feel a little more on top of things around the house! I know it helps me!

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