"God puts aggravating people in your life to practice patience!"
Sunny and I actually got a few hours to ourselves last night and went to a fundraiser event for Project Concern through his work last night. I have never been present for a live auction before and couldn't believe it when a cake went for $300! They did look really good, though.
We did try and win an overnight stay at a Hotel and 2 tickets to the Grand with chocolates through the silent auction. There were two and we put a bid in for both. With our anniversary in August and we really have never done anything too spectacular since we were married, I thought this was the perfect time to splurge a little for a good cause. The first one we bid at $150 and the other one was going lower, we bid at $110.
The aggravation comes soon....
We came back to the table, and I noticed who was bidding over us. This tall man with black hair. The whole night I felt like I was spying on him. And this was a man who was bidding on anything he had a chance to at the live auction - he obviously had money to spend. At one point he came over to our table and he wasn't wearing a wedding ring, so then I really wanted to outbid him. No unmarried man needs an overnight stay at a Hotel!
So he outbid us two times on both of them and then we outbid him two times on the lower one. It was exciting going back and forth and even more exciting because we knew who he was but he didn't know we were bidding over him. As soon as he would come back to his table from bidding, Sunny got up and outbid him. We had him! Just as they were announcing the live auction was over I saw this guy stand up and walk over to the tables. I thought he just wanted to see if he got both of them. He looked, and then took a pen out and wrote his name under ours! I couldn't believe it!
Okay, so this was more than aggravating. At one point, Sunny had his hand on my leg and I didn't realize I was tapping my foot so fast. I probably could have given him a few choice words. But I practiced patience, kept my mouth shut and walked out of the event aggravated.
Well, an overnight stay at a Hotel and 2 tickets to the Grand still sounds like a great idea for our Anniversary.
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