I finally did it ladies and gentleman! I finally got a bucket and all the ingredients, but then my bucket got used at our "rental" house (which, pray, is selling at the end of the month...pray a lot! :) and I had to clean it out. And then to find the time...but today, the kids refused to take a nap, so they both fell asleep at 5:00 and I cleaned the jeep (waaay over-due) and then I made the soap, finally!
Okay, enough of the babbling...
Grate 1 bar of Ivory soap or 1/2 bar Fels Naptha
Add to 6 Cups water on the stove
Heat until the soap melts
Stir in 1 Cup Arm & Hammer Washing Super Soda (NOT BAKING SODA)
and stir in 1/2 Cup 20 Mule Team Borax until dissolved
So here's the ingredients....and they're dissolving!
I used Fels Naptha and the water was yellow.
Remove from heat
Pour 4 cups hot water into the bucket
Add the soap mixture & stir
Add 1 Gallon (4 qts to a gallon!) + 6 Cups water and stir
Cover with a lid and let set for 24 hours!
Use 1/2 Cup per load when finished!
I need to look up the website I got this from and attach is later...good luck trying everyone!
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