"Lead a life of JOY"
It's my goal to try and lead my life with JOY (Jesus first, Others second, Yourself last) . As long as I put Jesus first and show my love to others, my needs will be taken care of from above.
As Sunny knows, I'm not the most JOYFUL when I'm hungry or tired - that's an area I need to work on...but life still goes on and I do better the next day.
I don't know the last time I went to the mall, but we walked around as a family tonight. I went with Kathryne for a while in search for some shirts. Once in a while I do something for just myself. You can't forget about yourself when you're taking care of your kids!
I actually bought myself 5 shirts for $15. Yes, the "Queen of Thriftiness" bought NEW shirts. I could take the time to find nice clothes at garage sales - don't doubt it! But since I don't buy much for myself, a couple times a year I get some new clothes at a good price.
Sunny is better about getting things for me that he knows I like, but would never buy for myself. As much as I like baking cookies with the kids, he got me a big bucket of 101 cookie cutters with the alphabet, numbers, shapes, and holidays at the mall. I love how he knows me so well! That's what best friends are for!
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