Friday, April 30, 2010

Tip #19 From Mrs. Sunny

"Keep Your Life In Balance"

This is definitely easier said than done. I went to a great speaker, Matthew Kelly, this past Sunday. He talks about the 4 areas of life: Physical, Spiritual, Intellectual & Emotional.

As long as these are balanced, we will lead much fuller lives and draw closer to God...

Physical: Obviously eat right and exercise

Spiritual: Go into the "Classroom of Silence" every day - prayer

Intellectual: "You are what you read" - read a good book 10 minutes a day ( at least)

Emotional: Always stay connected with the relationships most important to you

Pretty simple stuff, yet our lives can seem so busy...

With two kids, I have the hardest time with the spiritual area. Beyond church on Sunday, teaching religious ed on Wednesday, I find myself saying "horizontal prayer" at night while I'm falling asleep. Sunny gets off work at 7 most nights, leaving a few hours to catch up before bed. Can anyone relate? I need to make this a priority again...the mornings have worked best for me in the past. Let me know what works for you!

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Tip #18 From Mrs. Sunny

"Dandelions are not a weed - ask any child"

When I was a little girl my dad was planning on spraying all the dandelion "weeds" in our yard and because I got so upset that he was going to kill all the flowers, to this day, he lets them grow in his yard!

Just yesterday, Kristofer spent at least an hour outside in our lawn bringing me beautiful yellow flowers and had a blast blowing the seeds from the dried out ones. I loved it!

Who needs weed killer? Dandelions are beautiful - just look through the eyes of a child! :)

Saturday, April 24, 2010

Tip #17 From Mrs. Sunny

"Know the TOP Ten garage sale rules..."

1. Highlight and make a list of all destinations beforehand

2. Have your Tom Tom charged with destinations already plugged in the night before
(And bring a map in case of rainy weather when the GPS cannot find a signal :)

3. Arrive at least 15 minutes ahead of the most important stop to guarantee your most prized purchase!

4. Don't leave if the garage door is closed with cars parked in front...they can be tricky. Stick to your guns and wait until exactly the time they said they would open. Then run! No, just quickly move your legs!

5. Train your eyes to quickly scan sales while driving to weed out the ones without the items you're looking for

6. I almost forgot, go to the bank ahead of time and withdrawal your budgeted amount...when it's gone, it's gone!

7. Stick to your list of needed items (Boy clothes, shoes, the basics) and splurge on the good finds ($1 light bright, $1 stuffed lion puppet, etc.)

8. Don't buy boxers for your husband, even if they were a pack of 6 Tommy Hilfiger ones that honestly didn't look used at all! (Yes, I did this. I don't know if he's going to actually wear them. I was honestly trying to be nice)

9. Think ahead...don't forget to look for Christmas presents for the nieces and nephews!

10. Remember to pack a snack for the kids and when they've about had it, go home and look at all your treasures and great finds!

Those of you in the neighborhood, did you enjoy garage saling? I haven't written in a while, so this may get long. I get pretty excited about garage sales. :)

I woke up Friday morning, got Kristofer a quick breakfast and headed out early for a sale at 7 a.m. for some nice cloth diapers. Got there 15 minutes early and there were cars parked in the lot! I thought maybe they weren't opening, drove around a while, came back 5 minutes after 7 and everything was out with 10 people in the driveway! Now that was tricky! Luckily the diapers were still there (But I didn't end up getting them because they were not what I was looking for). Last summer, though, I wasn't as lucky...

I had been to 3 sales like 5 minutes after they opened and had missed buying a pack n' play by seconds and at the last one, the lady walking in front of me grabbed it and said to me, "I have been driving around all morning and people have been beating me to these!" I had some words for her at that moment. I was 9 months pregnant, she was maybe 5 months. My hormones were much stronger...I bit my tongue and went home. I learned my lesson to arrive early.

Anyways, it's fun! I think I've got everything I needed. Kristofer is set for clothes ($20), winter coat ($1) next year and a Hawkeye jacket ($1), Kathryne has snow pants and boots($1.50) for next winter- didn't need clothes since my sister has three girls!

But I did forget #9...I will be looking for presents this summer. On my side of the family we trade toys we already have or have got at garage sales. It works really well when you've got so many kids to buy for!

I could go on forever, but I've got to head to bed! Toodles!

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Tip #16 From Mrs. Sunny

"Dilute your own soap for foam soap dispensers..."

A year ago I went to the store to buy the "refill" for my foam soap dispensers and found out that the refill (watered down soap) was more expensive than the regular antibacterial soap refill.

So I bought the regular soap, and when I fill the foam dispensers, I add 3/4 water first and then add the soap. The bottle of refill should last me 4 years!

I'm always looking for ways to save a penny!

I did just read an article, though, saying not to use antibacterial soap. Your hands become immune to germs - once this bottle is out, I'm switching to different soap!

Coming soon...making homemade laundry detergent...$.01/load!

Saturday, April 17, 2010

Tip #15 From Mrs. Sunny

"To mix meatloaf, put your hand in a bread bag!"

I always dread making meatloaf because I hate getting raw hamburger meat all over my hands when mixing all the ingredients. I had this brilliant idea to put a bread bag over my hand!

Reduce, Reuse, and Recycle those bread bags! Here are some other ways to reuse your bread bags!

*For homemade breads
*Doggy bags
*Diaper bags
*Picking up trash in your car
*Any others?

Friday, April 16, 2010

Tip #14 From Mrs. Sunny

"It's time to hit the garage sales!"

I was so excited to hit my first garage sales tonight! Great books, $.50 Leapfrog, $.50 shoes for the babe, and giant alphabet puzzle! Yay!

Like I've said before, I don't pay much for anything! Have fun at those garage sales - let me know what great deals you find! :)

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Tip #13 From Mrs. Sunny

"Children will grow in their own time..."

I can't wait until my baby girl starts walking again! She was so excited that first week she walked before spraining a knee or leg, and now that it's better, she's not excited anymore. She would prefer to crawl and not injure herself again - or that's what I'm guessing is going through her mind. But I keep reminding myself that she will do it again in her own time!

It reminds me of the childrens book called "Ruby In Her Own Time" about a baby duck who takes her time and finally leaves her mother's nest and flies off on her own.
Kathryne will again walk and surprise me a second time...I'm just wondering when that will be!

I do know that like her brother, one day she will be running and exploring this world soon enough! Kristofer has grown up so fast, it amazes me what children can learn in 2 short years!

Hug and kiss your children today any moment you have - they are so precious and such blessings in your lives! :)

Saturday, April 10, 2010

Tip #12 From Mrs. Sunny


Last night we had the kids down easily by 8:30 and of course there was a Twin's baseball game on that Sunny wanted to watch. That's one thing I've had to get used to after being married. My dad never watched sports and I've come to understand that it's a great outlet for Sunny, though.

But the past two nights Sunny and I have been up late working on two talks for the Engaged Weekend we're helping on in May and we still have two more small talks to get done by tomorrow. Yes, tomorrow!
Sunny and I have WAY different approaches to deadlines. I have been on Sunny the last 4 weeks to slowly get this done a little at a time. His approach is LAST MINUTE.

So last night I wanted to get going on these talks and I finally just told myself to RELAX...sit down with your husband and watch a baseball game. The talks will get done. He has surprised me with how well he can pull a talk together, though. We're almost done!

Take a few moments every day to just sit and relax. I often have a hard time just sitting, but I try to take the example of Sunny during baseball season. Relax!

Monday, April 5, 2010

Tip #11 From Mrs. Sunny

"Patience, patience, patience..."

Lots of people say I have all the patience in the world. I do, being a mother, having a teaching license and being a daycare provider, it's much needed. No one's perfect, though and like any husband, Sunny sees me at my worst and my patience can run out.

But, I'm proud of myself tonight.
Sunny works Monday nights for extra money, leaving me to put two kids to bed by myself. I stayed calm, it may have taken an hour and a half, but they're sleeping!

Here's a rundown of how my night just went...

7:30 - Kristofer reads his library books
7:45- We "march" as dinosaurs, cows ( whatever Kristofer's interested in that day)
to bed with books in hand
We say prayers and he lays his head down
7:50 - I lay down with Kathryne and get her asleep
8:00 - Kristofer asks for some milk - I get him some milk
8:15 - Kristofer is cold - I change him into warmer pajamas ("Doggy" pajamas)
Now he's mad I took off the "Pooh" pajamas
I put "Pooh" on his glow sea horse - he says "Thank You"
8:30 - He's yelling something, can't understand it
Go in, and he's got his hand stuck in his sleeve - he wants "Pooh" back on
I change Pooh, then he wants "Doggy" on sea horse - I put it on him.
8:45 - He comes walking in my room saying, "Mommy's room"
I try begging quietly saying that Kathryne's sleeping - but he's about in tears
He surprisingly laid down quietly in my bed - I fixed his blanket
9:00 -Kristofer's asleep - yay!
9:15 - I carry him back to bed so Sunny has a place to sleep when he
gets off work at 2 am! Surprisingly, Kathryne stayed sleeping through this all!

Now it's 9:50 and I'm wide what age do they go to sleep and stay asleep in an easier manner?

Saturday, April 3, 2010

Tip #10 From Mrs. Sunny

"Expect the unexpected - whether positive or negative"

The kids and I went to the library this morning since Sunny had to work today, and all was going well. Kristofer was picking out every book he touched to take home and Kathryne was pulling everything off the shelves. It's great discovering the world of books!

We were about done and Kathryne was practicing her walking again, fell down and screamed. I thought, okay, we are definitely tired. So we loaded up and Kathryne fell asleep at home for 2 hours and 5 minutes! That is going in the baby book as a record for my little girl - this walking must be wearing her out! Expect the unexpected! :)

She woke up, I put her straight in the high chair for lunch, cleaned her up and let her down to play. As soon as she stood up, she screamed. My little walker somehow sprained her ankle at the library- expect the unexpected! So much for showing off to relatives tomorrow on Easter! :(
Everyone pray she gets better - I just hope she won't be afraid to walk again once it gets better.

But hey, she actually took a nap today - look on the sunny side! :)

Friday, April 2, 2010

Tip #9 From Mrs. Sunny

Life is an opportunity, benefit from it.
Life is beauty, admire it.
Life is bliss, taste it.
Life is a dream, realize it.
Life is a challenge, meet it.
Life is a duty, complete it.
Life is a game, play it.
Life is a promise, fulfill it.
Life is sorrow, overcome it.
Life is a song, sing it.
Life is a struggle, accept it.
Life is a tragedy, confront it.
Life is an adventure, dare it.
Life is luck, make it.
Life is too precious, do not destroy it.

Life is life, fight for it.

-Blessed Mother Teresa of Calcutta

Now that's a lot to think!