Wednesday, March 17, 2010

I'm still here!

Wow, I couldn't believe it's been so long since I wrote...again, I knew I couldn't do this everyday!

My husband and I are helping out at an Engaged Encounter Weekend in May, and trying to find time to work on our talks together seems impossible. I didn't realize how little time we have to ourselves until we had to work together on a deadline!

So this Engaged Weekend is going to be nice for the both of us to spend time together. Plus, my parents are taking the kids a day before we leave for the weekend to North Carolina to visit family, and dropping them off Monday. It's exciting, yet, I haven't been away from Kathryne for more than 3 hours at a time since she was born and she's 10 months old now!

Kathryne is exclusively nursed right now, and maybe gets 1 bottle a week. I'm thankful she takes the bottle and actually loves it. Anytime she sees a daycare child with a bottle, she screams for it. So weening Kathryne during the day will be no problem, it's the night nursing I'm worried about.

I have to admit, we don't even have a crib up. Until she's two, she can sleep with my husband and I. We both enjoy the company and I know Josh wakes up really happy to see Kathryne sleeping next to him - it's a great way for them to bond each day. Especially since she doesn't see him very much working until 7:00 a lot during the week.

But, anyway, it's going to be a great week for the two of us to hang out and rejuvenate our marriage - we're both really excited! I've just got to get the baby girl ready to be away from mommy!

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