I'm trying to come up with a theme for my blog. When I'm thinking of something to write my mind is all over the place. Maybe...."Tips From Theresa", "Tips From the Teacher", "Finds from Sunny's Wife"....I'm at a loss. Anybody with a good name, let me know! I'll keep working on the title, but I think my theme will be tips or information I find interesting. We'll see how this goes.
Okay, I think I'm going with "Tips From Sunny's Wife".
So the tip of the day is...drum roll please...
Always have an emergency supply of Nair in your linen closet when you've gone more than a month without shaving your legs.
Yes, everyone, Theresa is not a diligent leg shaver...just ask Sunny! It is an area I need to work on. :)
The kids were playing nicely with cars in Kristofer's room and I was putting towels away and saw I still had a thing of Nair from when I was in college and thought I needed to have nicely shaven legs for my boyfriend Sunny. I read the directions and you just apply for 3 minutes, wipe off with a warm towel and then you're done! I thought, sure I've got 3 minutes to do this! It actually worked and my legs are silky smooth Sunny!
So everyone, go out and buy an emergency supply of Nair! It really does work!
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